Shop: 1067 Budapest, Teréz krt. 9.
Open: Mo-Fr 11:00 - 18:30
Phone: +36 20 567 4222

Bottarga di muggine - Pressed salted mullet roe, 10 dkg

The product can be purchased in one piece (~ 15-16 dkg).

The thousands of eggs produced by female mullets make one of Sardinia's finest gastronomic delicacies: bottarga. The mullet roe is washed, salted and pressed and left to dry in the sun on special racks.

Use it for appetizers (for example, carpaccio and seafood salad), squid risotto, seafood spaghetti, to enrich fish dishes or even as an accompaniment.

The product cannot be ordered online, it can only be purchased in the store. 
If you want to get it for sure, you can let us know your purchase intention in advance by calling +36 20 567 4222.

Available in our store
Cannot be ordered online, only available in the shop
9 900 Ft
Unit price: 99 000 Ft/kg
Online not available
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