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BUONO! Il Classico extra virgin olive oil, 500ml
BUONO! Il Classico extra virgin olive oil, 500ml
7 200 Ft

BUONO! Il Classico extra virgin olive oil, 500ml

Nutritional values for 100 ml of product
 Energy 3446 kJ/800 kcal
 Total Fat 92g
    Saturated Fat 13g
 Total Carbohydrate 0g
    Sugar 0g
 Protein 0g
 Salt 0g

The colour is a clear golden-green. Its bouquet is harmonically fruity, characterized by distinct herbal hints. The taste is bitter and spicy but harmonic and moderate.
Made exclusively by mechanical procedure.


Variety of olives: Dritta, Tortiglione, Leccino, Frantoio, Maurino, Moraiolo, Carboncella

7 200 Ft
Unit price: 14 400 Ft/l
Frantoio Montecchia
Country of origin:
Place of origin:
Olive variety:

Special, high quality olive oils are not for cooking! There is only one reason for this: they are too valuable to sauté onions in them. These oils are more like spices, they are used to be the final touch on the dishes.

Use them on soups, pasta, salads, fish and meat, or simply as a dip for a good bread.

Attention! Never keep extra virgin oil in a transparent bottle or without a cap for a long time, because the quality of the oil can be deteriorated by light and oxygen!

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