The clove is the flower bud of an evergreen tropical plant that is harvested before it opens. Among the spices, it is the most important among those derived from flowers. The aroma of clove is strong and pungent, absolutely characteristic. The high content of eugenol essential oil induces a mild state of local anesthesia if you put it in your mouth.
USE IN THE KITCHEN: Extremely varied, from flavoring broth to salmì and roast pork, from biscuits to hot wines and aromatic infusions, and then liqueurs, cakes and creams. It is one of the spices that typically represents Christmas in the kitchen, where, in addition to its food use, it is used to make fragrant putpourri or to decorate citrus fruits. Today it grows in many tropical areas of the world, in particular Zanzibar, Indonesia and Madagascar but originally the clove is native to the Banda archipelago, a handful of tiny islands east of Indonesia. The powdered version is essential for correctly dosing the spice in doughs, fillings, Christmas desserts and spiced biscuits.
Provenienza: India