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Unger Bormanufaktúra - "Szultán" Kőszegi Kékfrankos/Blaufränkisch 0.75l
Unger Bormanufaktúra - "Szultán" Kőszegi Kékfrankos/Blaufränkisch 0.75l
10 900 Ft

Unger Bormanufaktúra - "Szultán" Kőszegi Kékfrankos/Blaufränkisch 0.75l

Unger Bormanufaktúra - "Szultán" Kőszegi Kékfrankos/Blaufränkisch 0.75l
Unger Bormanufaktúra - "Szultán" Kőszegi Kékfrankos/Blaufränkisch 0.75l
Unger Bormanufaktúra - "Szultán" Kőszegi Kékfrankos/Blaufränkisch 0.75l
Unger Bormanufaktúra - "Szultán" Kőszegi Kékfrankos/Blaufränkisch 0.75l

Kőszegi Kékfrankos/Blaufränkisch, unfiltered, unclarified, spontaneously fermented natural wine.

Kékfrankos for four seasons: it hides the serenity of spring thanks to its bright, floral scent and fresh acidity. It has the warmth of summer, the crunchy flavors of ripe forest fruits. It contains the spices of the autumn vineyard and the distant aromas of the quarter-filled barrel, which only provide a framework for this complex wine. Finally, thanks to its mineral, salty finish, you can discover those minerals that are visible on the winter soil only when the vine rows are not covered by vegetation.

The "Szultán" Kékfrankos plantation is located on the Sultan hill, which is our newly planted Kékfrankos plantation closest to the city. According to legend, in 1532, the sultan watched the siege of the city from this vineyard, and with a heroic struggle stopped the war advancing on Vienna. The old town and the castle are clearly visible from the vineyard.

Since this is the closest of the mountain vineyards to the city, and therefore the lowest, this area wakes up the earliest in spring. This area is the first to reach the ideal must level and acid structure for the harvest. Its acid structure differs from that of our other Kékfrankos.

The area is extremely mineral-rich, often half a meter below the thin topsoil, the soft shale rock forming the spine of the mountain emerges. Perhaps thanks to this, the vines planted in 2016 are slowly coming into fruition here. Since the harvest is always small, the grapes and thus the wine are very concentrated.


Its fragrance contains floral and spicy notes. The taste is dominated by ripe red and black fruits, forest fruit spiciness, to which the barrel only gives a frame. The barrel is a used quarter-fill Francois Fréres barrel, in which the wine matured for 11 months. The wine is complex and long. The fruity flavors are replaced by a cool mineral, salty finish.

The grapes were harvested in mid-October, and after a week of cold soaking, fermentation started spontaneously. It was left on the skins for about three weeks, then gently pressed. Sulfur was added after malic acid decomposition, 30mg/l. We bottled it by gravity. The total sulfur content of the wine is 10 mg/l. Alcohol: 13.06%.

10 900 Ft

The quality and characteristics of Kőszeg wine are due to the specific natural environment and human factors in Kőszeg (terroir). The wines are different from the wines of other wine regions and have different characteristics compared to other districts of the Sopron wine region (Sopron, Vaskeresztes), and also have a different character from the wines of the nearby Austrian regions (Central Burgenland, Lutzmansburg). The different character can be traced back primarily to the proximity of the Alps, the soil and the specific climate.

The characteristics of Kőszeg wines are largely determined by the subalpine climate, the influence of the Alps, the proximity of the Alps, the exposure of the area to the mountains, the altitude of the vineyards (the town is already close to 300 meters above sea level; the highest vineyard is located at an altitude of 450 meters), thanks to which the nights are cool even after hot summer days, as well as the low number of daylight hours.

The soil, primarily the bedrock, plays a role in the specific nature of Kőszeg wines. In addition to the cool subalpine climate, the phyllite, quartz bedrock also contributes to wines with a tight acid structure. The Kőszegi Mountains are a tectonic window, where older rocks came to the surface due to the destruction of later layers. The individual rocks of the historic vineyards differ from each other, as does the microclimate. The rocks of the mountain range are metamorphic rocks of sedimentary origin, crystalline slate (quartz mica, quartz phyllite, calcareous mica slate, lime phyllite, green slate), shale, sandstone and gneiss. Acidic, non-podzolic brown forest soils have settled on the weathered bedrock (shale, gneiss), and brown forest soils with clay contamination are found elsewhere. The lime content of different soils is different, usually low. The humus content of the soils also varies.

The roots of wine production in the Kőszeg area go back to Roman times. The memory of this is preserved by vineyard names (Pogány vineyard, where a statue of Bacchus was also found). In Anjou times, the reputation of Kőszeg wine spread far and wide. Among other things, the city owed its special commercial status and the royal city rank (1328) to this. There are records of the names of the vineyards from this period. The Kőszeg vineyard and measurement regulation of 1649 is one of the oldest vineyard regulations in Hungarian. The book titled "Szőlő Jövésnek Könyve" is Kőszeg's most important viticulture and winemaking cultural history document, which is also unique in Europe. This book has been kept since 1740, but its roots go back even earlier.

Unger Bormanufaktúra
Place of origin
Total acidity (g/l)
Variety / Cultivar
100% Kékfrankos
Alcohol content %
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